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Faculty of the Social Sciences

Talks by all team members


11.2023 "The Materiality of Practice: 'Makability' in Digital Film Productions," Conference Materiality and Immateriality in Digital Capitalism: Art and Literature from Humanities, Social, Legal and Economic Perspectives, Insbruck. Speaker: Ronja Trischler.
10.2023 "Moderating Online Discourses," annual conference of the Section for the Sociology of Media and Communication, Essen. Speaker: Ronja Trischler.
07.2023 "Queer Matter(s): bodies and gender as spaces of boundaries and possibilities," Hybrid Lecture Series "Queer Series," University of Augsburg. Speaker: Ann Kristin Augst.
06.2023 "Patient generated data as "grey data"", Session: Enhancing the Dialogue between Science and Society: The Challenges of e-Health Care, XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne. Speaker: Cornelius Schubert.
05.2023 "Cryopreserving Human Material. On Precautionary Freezing and Good Life in the Context of Umbilical Cord Blood Storage," 10 Minutes Sociology Good Life, lecture series University of Passau. Speaker: Isabelle Bosbach.
05.2023 "Hackathons as Ritual in the Spirit of Digital Capitalism?", OEGEKW Conference: Alltage und Kultur/s der Digitalität, University of Klagenfurth. Speakers: Ronja Trischler, Matthias Wieser.
05.2023 "Online moderation. A ritual approach to interactional involvement", Session "Exploring Digital Interactions with Erving Goffman", STS Conference Graz, TU Graz. Speaker: Ronja Trischler.
03.2023 "Krankenhausethnografie", opening keynote at the conference Feldforschung in der Medizin: Mehrwert und Herausforderungen ethnografischer Zugänge zu Gesundheit, Augsburg. Speaker: Cornelius Schubert.
03.2023 "Inside the Visual Effects Studio: Sociotechnical practices of digital creative work," STS Hub Circulations, Human Technology Center Aachen, Panel: Circulations between STS and the arts. Speaker: Ronja Trischler.
02.2023 "Medical Files. Relationships of the Fugitive and the Fixed," Workshop Die Akte / n. 2, Siegen. Speaker: Cornelius Schubert.
02.2023 "Moderated Assessments Online", Conference of the Working Groups "Organization and Assessment" & "Digitization and Organization" of the Section of Sociology of Organization of the DGS: Digitization - Organization - Assessment, University of Bielefeld. Speaker: Ronja Trischler.
01.2023 "The Un/Sichtbarmachung von Transgeschlechtlichkeit in der Medizin", symposium for the rehearsal launch "Becoming Invisible", Institute for Theatrical Futurology at the Zimmertheater in Tübingen. Speaker: Ann Kristin Augst.
01.2023 "Queer Health: inequality and discrimination sensitive perspectives on and in medicine", Faculty of Medicine, University of Augsburg. Speaker: Ann Kristin Augst.
11.2022 "Practices of Audience Construction," Lecture Series: Science Systematics and Current Research Topics in Media Studies, Ruhr University Bochum. Speaker: Ronja Trischler.
11.2022 "Gender = a matter of negotiation?! Transgendering as an Arena of the Debate on Pluralization," Queer Department, University of Augsburg. Speaker: Ann Kristin Augst.
10.2022 "Social (In)Certainties. The Debate on Gender Self-Determination," Current Reforms in Family Law. An interdisciplinary look, Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Munich. Speaker: Ann Kristin Augst.
09.2022 "Technographic futures. Observing data, models, and practices", Workshop PREGOV III - Towards Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Algorithmic Prediction & Decision-Making, Hamburg. Speaker: Cornelius Schubert.
09.2022 "Moderated Assessments. A Practice Theory of Digital Moderation", Section event of the Section Cultural Sociology 41st DGS Congress, Bielefeld University, Panel: Umkämpfte Klassifikationen. Cultural sociological perspectives on valuation conflicts. Speaker: Ronja Trischler.
09.2022 "Digital Objects? Materialities in the trans-sequential analysis of digital work," Ad Hoc Group: Beyond intra-disciplinary poles: trans-sequential analysis and its potentials for trans-disciplinary comparability, 41st DGS Congress, Bielefeld University. Speaker: Ronja Trischler.
09.2022 "Qualitative Research in Polarized Inter- and Transdisciplinary Projects" together with Julia Kurz, Ad Hoc Group: Qualitative Research in Polarized Fields, DGS Congress Polarized Worlds, Bielefeld. Speaker: Cornelius Schubert.
07.2022 "Popular Data. How patients and doctors deal with digital apps and devices", EASST Madrid, Panel: Co-design and Knowing (In) Digital Health Technologies With Future Users of all Ages. Speakers: Danny Lämmerhirt, Cornelius Schubert.
07.2022 "The troubles of data multiple. Visualising patient data on a neurosurgical ward", EASST Madrid, Panel: Transdisciplinary research: How to stay with the trouble and enable co-learning? Speakers: Julia Kurz, Cornelius Schubert.
06.2022 "Elias and Deepfakes." Symposium Norbert Elias and... On the 125th birthday of a social science classic, University of Passau. Speaker: Mirko Spiegel.
06.2022 "Queer(ing) Medicine?!!! Heteronormativity in health care", Campussommer, University of Augsburg. Speaker: Ann Kristin Augst.
11.2021 "Coding data in software design and in STS," RUSTlab Lecture, online: Data Concepts: key terms in experimentalist data studies. Speaker: Cornelius Schubert.
11.2021 "Digital co-creation. Where the social and the technical meet", Final Conference of the DFG Research Training Group 'Innovation Society Today', online: Digital innovation in the innovation society. Speaker: Cornelius Schubert.
11.2021 "Data multiples. Collaborative data practices in small interdisciplinary teams", DZHW virtual workshop, online: Benefits and challenges of collaboration in research. Investigating the manifold aspects of mono-, inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration. Speakers: Julia Kurz, Cornelius Schubert.
03.2019 "Beyond the Binary. Rethinking Gender(ed) Care Considering Trans Patients' Needs," Blurring Boundaries: Rethinking Gender and Care, Augsburg. Speaker: Ann Kristin Augst.
12.2018 "From 'All About My Mother' to 'XXY'. Gender(s) and Sexuality(ies) in Film and Television," Frauensicht, VHS Augsburg. Speaker: Ann Kristin Augst.
11.2018 "Sexuality and Masculinity(s)," International Men's Day 2018, Zeughaus Augsburg. Speakers: Ann Kristin Augst, Jelena Büchner.
06.2018 "Everything (Ge)bad? The strange influence of gender-relevant representations in film and television, CineUni, CinemaxX Augsburg. Speakers: Ann Kristin Augst, Heike Krebs.
03.2018 "'Gender disorder' in the health care system? On the care situation of genderqueer and/or non-binary trans persons", Congress Poverty and Health, Berlin. Speaker: Ann Kristin Augst.
01.2018 "Gender_ers and Sexualities in Film and Television - On the Normalization and Exoticization of 'the Other'", Lecture Series: Que(e)r through all Disciplines, University of Augsburg. Speaker: Ann Kristin Augst.
11.2017 "Mind the Gap! (Bodily) Gender Diversity and the German Health Care System," 8th Congress of the International Society for Gender Medicine, Sendai (Japan). Speaker: Ann Kristin Augst.
04.2016 "'Now I Just Need to Menstruate'. On Physical, Technical, and Ethical Preconditions and Limits in the Study of Intimate Everyday Practices,"Annual Meeting of the DGS Section "Sociology of the Body and Sport." Speaker: Ann Kristin Augst.