A Warm Welcome, Ann Kristin Augst!

Since October 15, Ann Kristin Augst has been working as a research assistant at the department. She is part of the Digital Body Knowledge project, where she is collaborating with patients and doctors to investigate how their relationships are changing as a result of the spread of digital medical and media technologies. She asks about the opportunities and possible conflicts that arise as patients themselves produce biomedical data and present it to doctors. Ann Kristin Augst brings a lot of experience and expertise to the investigation of these questions, which she has gained over several years as a research assistant in the sociology department with a focus on health research at the University of Augsburg.
In addition to the sociology of medicine and health, Ann Kristin Augst is also interested in the sociology of the body, (feminist) STS and queertheory. She is currently doing her PhD at the Ludwigs-Maximilians-University of Munich.
Welcome to the team!