GWTF Annual Conference 2023 at TU Dortmund University

Climate change affects science, technology and society to an extent that hardly any other socio-technical transformation has done so far. The complexity, permanence and multi-layered nature of the associated challenges are reflected in changes in research policy, funding programs and formats; they affect the processes of university and non-university knowledge generation and thus also put research institutions under increasing pressure to act. Without extensive mechanization, especially through technologies of digitization and decarbonization, a solution to the pressing problems seems hardly conceivable, including comprehensive datafication in high-performance infrastructures as a basic prerequisite. In short, the increasing complexity of (global) societal challenges gives rise to new orders of problematization and problem-solving, in which science, technology, politics, business and civil society are constantly reformed, related to each other and legitimized.
Organized by: Stefan Böschen, Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda, Jan-Hendrik Passoth, Cornelius Schubert.
More information in the Call for Papers.
Deadline for submissions is August 04, 2023.