Talks (Selection)
"The Materiality of Practice: 'Feasibility' in Digital Film Productions",Materiality and Immateriality in Digital Capitalism: Art and Literature from Humanities, Social, Legal and Economic Perspectives, Insbruck. 02.-03.11.2023.
"Moderating Onlinediscourses", Jahrestagung der Sektion Medien- und Kommunikationssoziologie, Essen. 05.-06.10.23.
"Hackathons as Ritual in the Spirit of Digital Capitalism?", With Matthias Wieser. OEGEKW Conference Alltage und Kultur/en der Digitalität, University of Klagenfurth. 18-20.05.2023.
"Online moderation. A ritual approach to interactional involvement", session "Exploring Digital Interactions with Erving Goffman", STS Conference Graz, TU Graz. 8-10.05.2023.
"Inside the Visual Effects Studio: Sociotechnical practices of digital creative work," Panel "Circulations between STS and the arts." STS-HUB CIRCULATIONS, Human Technology Center Aachen. 15.-17.03.2023.
"Moderated Assessments Online." Conference of the Working Groups "Organization and Assessment" & "Digitization and Organization" of the Section of Sociology of Organization of the DGS Digitization - Organization - Assessment, University of Bielefeld. 16.-17.02.2023.
"Practices of audience construction. " Lecture series Wissenschaftssystematik und aktuelle Forschungsthemen der Medienwissenschaft, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. 22.11.2022.
Panel "Art and Digitality," organization with Paul Buckermann and Andrea Glauser (event of the AG Digitalisierte Kunstwelten). Conference Plural Entanglements, Working Group Sociology of the Arts of the Section Sociology of Culture in the DGS, Humboldt University Berlin. 14.10.2022.
"Moderated Assessments: A Practice Theory of Digital Moderation," panel "Contested Classifications. Cultural sociological perspectives on valuation conflicts." Section event of the Cultural Sociology Section at the 41st DGS Congress, Bielefeld University. 30.09.2022.
"Digital Objects? Materialities in the trans-sequential analysis of digital work", Ad-Hoc group "Beyond intra-disciplinary poles: trans-sequential analysis and its potentials for trans-disciplinary comparability". 41st DGS Congress, University of Bielefeld. 29.09.2022.
"Talking images or silent working objects? Cooperative practices of digital image production." Research Workshop Institutional Communication, University of Duisburg Essen, Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities Essen. 13.01.2022
"The Materiality of the Practice of Digital Visual Effects Production." Wissenschaftssystematik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. 02.12.2021.
"Digital objects of work? Trans-Sequential Analysis in Organizations," Organization Meets Digital Cultures. Synergies of Social and Cultural Science Perspectives, 4th Workshop of the Working Group Digitization and Organization of the Section Organizational Sociology of the DGS in Lüneburg. 30.09.-01.10.2021.
"Hacking Social Problems. Practices of Problematization at Hackathons," Adhoc Group "Practice of the Problem. How do social problems emerge and work?" with Oliver Berli, Hannes Krämer, Diana Lengersdorf, Alexandra Manske, Matthias Wieser. DGS/ÖGS joint sociology congress. Aug. 23-25, 2021 (digital).
"Digital reparability", adhoc group "Digitization and sustainability". DGS/ÖGS joint sociology congress. Aug. 23-25, 2021 (digital).
"Infrastructure as Ritual. Geomedia 4 - Off the Grid, University of Siegen. 06.05.2021.
"The big picture. The trans-situational cooperative making of digital moving images for film and television". Conference IIEMCA19 Practices, University of Mannheim. 2019.
"Blind from the Shot. Digital design as conditionally creative production." Workshop Living with Machines. On the (sensual) creative of human-machine interactions, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. 2019.
"Effective Advertising: Affect In Digital Animation." Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema & Media Studies (SCMS) in Chicago. 2017.