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Faculty of the Social Sciences
The Importance of Trans-Sequential Analysis

New publication: Topic "Trans-Sequential Analysis" in Social Sense with editorial and article by Ronja Trischler

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What are the premisses, the methodology of trans-sequential analysis? How is its analytical potential to be estimated? Where to locate trans-sequential analyses in the field of qualitative social research? These and other questions are addressed in the main topic co-edited by Ronja Trischler. In her own article within the volume, she presents a version of the coding method of transsequential analysis that she developed.

Marlen S. Löffler, Clara Terjung, and Ronja Trischler are guest editors of Trans-sequential Analysis, published in Sozialer Sinn. Journal for Hermeneutic Social Research.

With this thematic focus they would like to contribute to a broader presentation and location of the research approach of TSA in qualitative social research. In this editorial, they briefly introduce its methodological premises, methodological implications, and fields of application, pointing out connections to other research approaches. The articles in this issue illustrate the TSA approach in object-related, empirical case studies. They discuss its use and analytical potentials for their respective research fields and explore differences as well as similarities with other approaches to qualitative research. The issue contains contributions by Dörte Negnal and Robert Thiele, Yannik Porsché, Thomas Scheffer and Ronja Trischler, and René Tuma.

In their contribution "Trans-sequenzierend codieren", Thomas Scheffer and Ronja Trischler develop a coding procedure distinguishing it from other coding and interpretation procedures along its ethnomethodological premises. The authors demonstrate with the natural data of the online announcement and the opening of a climate conference how the social theoretical premisses and methodological considerations are to be implemented as analysis steps appropriate to the object or case.

Sozialer Sinn