Prof. Dr. Cornelius Schubert
Research Focus
"My research interest is in the interactions of science, technology, and society. I study how innovations emerge and spread, but I am also interested in topics such as repair and improvisation. Along micro-analytical perspectives, I take a look at large-scale social transformations on a small scale: in research labs, hospital wards, or everyday life. In doing so, I often benefit from interdisciplinary research projects that explore new possibilities for cooperation and participation."

Curriculum Vitae
Studies and scientific qualification
07.2016 | Habilitation at the TU Berlin, Venia Legendi for Sociology, reviewers: Prof. Dr. Werner Rammert and Prof. Dr. Herbert Kalthoff Title: "Uncertain technology. For a constitutive symmetry of technical action" |
01.2006 | Doctorate at the TU Berlin, Dr. phil., reviewers: Prof. Dr. Werner Rammert and Prof. Dr. Hubert Knoblauch Title: "Die Technik operiert mit. Socio-technical constellations at work" |
04.1996- 10.1999 | Master's degree at the TU Berlin, major subject: sociology, minor subjects: psychology and English studies |
04.1993- 03.1996 | Master's degree at the University of Kassel, major subject: sociology, minor subjects: psychology and English studies |
Academic career
03.2023 | Visiting professor at the Universidade Federal do Paraná(UFPR, Curitiba, Brazil) in the Programa de Pós-graduação em Políticas Públicas |
since 10.2021 | Professor of Sociology of Science and Technology, Faculty of Social Sciences, TU Dortmund University |
12.2020- 09.2021 | Associate Professor for Digitalized Innovation, section of Science, Technology, and Policy Studies (STePS), University of Twente |
04.2020- 09.2020 | Substitute Professor for Media Anthropology / Methodological Innovation, Department of Media Studies, University of Siegen |
09.2015- 11.2020 | Temporary Academic Council, Department of Social Sciences, University of Siegen |
04.2015- 03.2016 | Visiting Professor in the Department of Sociology of Technology, Institute of Sociology, TU Berlin |
04.2014- 09.2014 & 04.2013- 08.2013 | Substitute professorship for sociology with a focus on health sociology, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Augsburg |
10.2012- 09.2015 | Postdoc in the DFG RTG 1769 Locating Media, University of Siegen |
04.2012- 09.2012 | Lecturer in the Department of Sociology of Technology, Institute of Sociology, TU Berlin |
10.2011- 03.2012 | Start-up funding, TU Berlin |
10.2006- 09.2011 | Research assistant at the Department of Sociology of Technology with Prof. Dr. Werner Rammert, Institute of Sociology, TU Berlin |
10.2008- 09.2009 | Editor of the Soziologische Revue |
10.2004- 09.2006 | Research assistant in the research project (VW) "Innovating Next Generation Lithography: Path Creating Networks in Germany and the U.S." Department of Organizational Sociology with Prof. Dr. Arnold Windeler, Institute of Sociology, TU Berlin |
10.2003- 03.2004 | Deputy Senior Assistant in the Department of Methodology, Institute of Sociology, TU Berlin |
01.2001- 09.2003 | Research assistant in the research focus of the TU Berlin "Cooperation and Security in Sociotechnical Systems", Department of Sociology of Technology with Prof. Dr. Werner Rammert, Institute of Sociology, TU Berlin |
05.2000- 11.2000 | Research assistant in the research project (DFG) "Integration of cooperative agents in complex organizations", Department of Sociology of Technology with Prof. Dr. Werner Rammert, Institute of Sociology, TU Berlin |
05.1997- 03.2000 | Tutor with teaching duties in the field of methodology with Prof. Dr. Hans Benninghaus, Institute of Social Sciences, TU Berlin |
Academic offices and memberships in professional organizations
Dean of the Department of Social Sciences, since 10.2024 |
Chairman of the Society for Science and Technology Studies e.V., since 2019, |
Board member of the Science and Technology Studies Section of the German Sociological Association, since 2018, |
Member of the Editorial Board of the international open access journal NOvation - Critical Studies of Innovation, since 2019, |
Member of the scientific advisory board of the accompanying research for the "Society of Ideas" project of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, since 2020, |
Member of the German Sociological Association, Sections: Methods of Qualitative Social Research, Organizational Sociology, Science and Technology Studies, Sociology of Knowledge, |
Member of the German Society for Medical Sociology, |
Member of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology, |
Expert activities
Institutions | German Research Foundation (DFG) National Science Centre Poland (NCN) Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) Scientific Commission of Lower Saxony | |
Journals | Artificial Intelligence and Society / Convergence / Digital Culture & Society / Energy Research & Social Science / Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions / Human Studies / International Journal of Social Research Methodology / Momentum Quarterly / Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie / Organization Studies / Policy Sciences / Research Policy / Science & Technology Studies / Science, Technology, & Human Values / Science, Technology & Innovation Studies / Social Science & Medicine / Soziale Welt / Symbolic Interaction / Technology in Society / Journal of Qualitative Social Research / Journal of Media Studies / Journal of Sociology |
2006 | Schubert, Cornelius: The Practice of Apparatus Medicine. Doctors and technology in the operating theater. Frankfurt/M., Campus. |
2005 | Begenau, Jutta; Schubert, Cornelius; Vogd, Werner: Medizinsoziologie der ärztlichen Praxis. Scenarios - Cases - Theories. Bern, Hans Huber. (out of print) |
Published books and special issues
2023 | Schubert, Cornelius; Schulz-Schaeffer, Ingo (eds.): Berlin Keys to the Sociology of Technology. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. |
Eisenmann, Clemens; Englert, Kathrin; Schubert, Cornelius; Voss, Ehler (eds.): Varieties of Cooperation. Mutually Making the Conditions of Mutual Making. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. | |
2022 | Hölsgens, Rick; Schubert, Cornelius (eds.): Popular users: why and how innovation research started to consider users in the innovation process. NOvation - Critical Studies of Innovation, Issue III. |
Manzei-Gorsky, Alexandra; Schubert, Cornelius; von Hayek, Julia (eds.): Digitalization and health. Baden-Baden: Nomos. | |
2018 | Bosančić, Saša; Böschen, Stefan; Schubert, Cornelius (eds.): Discursive construction and creative destruction. Encounters between innovation research and discourse analysis. Journal for Discourse Research: Beltz Juventa. |
2015 | Böschen, Stefan; Gläser, Jochen; Meister, Martin; Schubert, Cornelius (eds.): Material agency as a challenge to empirical research. Nature & Culture, 10 (3). |
Bruni, Attila; Parolin, Laura L.; Schubert, Cornelius (eds.): Designing Technology, Work, Organizations and Vice Versa. Malaga: Vernon | |
2010 | Begenau, Jutta; Schubert, Cornelius; Vogd, Werner (eds.): The doctor-patient relationship. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. |
2006 | Rammert, Werner; Schubert, Cornelius (eds.): Technography. On the microsociology of technology. Frankfurt/M.: Campus. |
Articles in specialist journals
2024 | Popa, Eugen O.; Blok, Vincent; Schubert, Cornelius; Katsoukis, Georgios: Path creation as a discursive process. A study of discussion starters in the field of solar fuels. In: Social Studies of Science, OnlineFirst. DOI: 10.1177/03063127241271024. |
2023 | Popa, Eugen O.; Blok, Vincent; Katsoukis, Georgios; Schubert, Cornelius: Moral impact of technologies from a pluralist perspective. Artificial photosynthesis as a case in point. In: Technology in Society, 75, S 1-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.techsoc.2023.102357. |
Presnov, Dmitri; Kurz, Julia; Alt, Daniel; Dillmann, Johannes; Zilke, Robert; Braun, Veit; Schubert, Cornelius; Kolb, Andreas: Anatomically Integrated In-Place Visualization of Patient Data for Cooperative Tasks with a Case Study on a Neurosurgical Ward. In: Health Informatics Journal, 29 (2), pp. 1-25. DOI: 10.1177/14604582231171878. | |
2021 | Schubert, Cornelius; Kolb, Andreas: Designing technology, developing theory. Towards a symmetrical approach. In: Science, Technology, & Human Values, 46 (3), pp. 528-554. DOI: 10.1177/0162243920941581. |
Paßmann, Johannes; Schubert, Cornelius: Liking as taste making. Social media practices as generators of aesthetic valuation and distinction. In: New Media & Society, 23 (10), pp. 2947-2963. DOI: 10.1177/1461444820939458. | |
Paßmann, Johannes; Schubert, Cornelius: Critique of digital judgment. Social practices of taste formation on the Internet. In: Mittelweg 36, 30 (1), pp. 60-84. URL: | |
Paßmann, Johannes; Schubert, Cornelius: Objectivation online. Subjects and objects of social media. In: MedienJournal - Journal for Media and Communication Research, 45 (1), pp. 7-23. DOI: 10.24989/medienjournal.v45i1.1929. | |
2019 | Schubert, Cornelius: Social innovations as a repair of social order. In: NOvation - Critical Studies of Innovation (1), pp. 40-66. DOI: 10.5380/nocsi.v0i1.91160. |
Schubert, Cornelius; Röhl, Tobias: Ethnography and organizations. Materiality and change as methodological challenges. In: Qualitative Research, 19 (2), pp. 164-181. DOI: 10.1177/1468794117744748. | |
2016 | Duda, Franziska; Lipokatic-Takacs, Esther; Loos, Anneke; Lüdtke, Nico; Wilhelmi, Mathias; Kampmann, Andreas et al.: Institutional and sociopolitical factors in supporting clinical translation. The case of biomedical implant research in Hannover, Germany. In: BioNanoMaterials, 17 (1-2), pp. 89-92. DOI: 10.1515/bnm-2015-0023. |
Schubert, Cornelius: Situating technological and societal futures. Pragmatist engagements with computer simulations and social dynamics. In: Technology in Society, 40, pp. 4-13. DOI: 10.1016/j.techsoc.2014.07.003. | |
2013 | Bruni, Attila; Pinch, Trevor; Schubert, Cornelius: Technologically Dense Environments. What For? What Next? In: Tecnoscienza, 4 (2), pp. 51-72. DOI: 10.6092/issn.2038-3460/17149. |
Schubert, Cornelius: The laboratoryization of social futures. On the relationship between laboratory, field and numerical forecasts of social dynamics. In: Navigationen, 13 (2), pp. 151-161. DOI: 10.25969/mediarep/1250. | |
Schubert, Cornelius; Sydow, Jörg; Windeler, Arnold: The means of managing momentum. Bridging technological paths and organizational fields. In: Research Policy, 42 (8), pp. 1389-1405. DOI: 10.1016/j.respol.2013.04.004. | |
2012 | Sydow, Jörg; Windeler, Arnold; Schubert, Cornelius; Möllering, Guido: Organizing R&D consortia for path creation and extension. The case of semiconductor manufacturing technologies. In: Organization Studies, 33 (7), pp. 907-936. |
2011 | Schubert, Cornelius: The technology operates with. On the microanalysis of medical work. In: Journal of Sociology, 40 (4), pp. 174-190. DOI: 10.1515/zfsoz-2011-0403. |
Schubert, Cornelius: Making sure. A comparative micro-analysis of diagnostic instruments in medical practice. In: Social Science & Medicine, 73 (6), pp. 851-857. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.05.032. | |
2007 | Meyer, Uli; Schubert, Cornelius: Integrating path dependency and path creation in a general understanding of path constitution. The role of agency and institutions in the shaping of technological innovations. In: Science, Technology & Innovation Studies, 3 (1), pp. 23-44. |
Articles in edited volumes and special issues
2023 | Rammert, Werner; Schubert, Cornelius: Technical and human embodiments of the social. In: Cornelius Schubert and Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer (eds.): Berlin Keys to the Sociology of Technology. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 95-126. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-41683-6_5 |
2022 | Paßmann, Johannes; Schubert, Cornelius: Technography as a method of social media research. In: Eva Gredel (ed.): Discourses - digital. Theories, Methods, Case Studies - A Handbook. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 283-299. DOI: 10.1515/9783110721447-015. |
Schubert, Cornelius: The long shadows of digitalization in medicine. On the development and use of digital technologies from a social science perspective. In: Alexandra Manzei-Gorsky, Cornelius Schubert and Julia von Hayek (eds.): Digitalization and Health. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 67-94. DOI: 10.5771/9783748922933-67. | |
2021 | Godin, Benoît; Schubert, Cornelius: Research on the history of innovation. From the spiritual to the social. In: Jürgen Howaldt, Christoph Kaletka and Antonius Schröder (eds.): A research agenda for social innovation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 21-38. DOI: 10.4337/9781789909357. |
Schubert, Cornelius: Social innovation. Contested understandings of social change. In: Benoît Godin, Dominique Vinck and Gerald Gaglio (eds.): Handbook of alternative theories of innovation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 106-121. DOI: 10.4337/9781789902303.00016. | |
2019 | Schubert, Cornelius: The social life of computer simulations. On the social construction of algorithms and the algorithmic construction of the social. In: Nicole J. Saam, Michael M. Resch, Andreas Kaminski (eds.): Simulating and Deciding. Decision modeling, modeling decisions, decision support. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 145-169. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-26042-2_6. |
2018 | Meyer, Uli; Schubert, Cornelius; Windeler, Arnold: Creating Collective Futures. How Roadmaps and Conferences Reconfigure the Institutional Field of Semiconductor Manufacturing. In: Hannes Krämer and Matthias Wenzel (eds.): How organizations manage the future. Theoretical perspectives and empirical insights. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 253-276. |
Schubert, Cornelius: Medical repair cultures. Dealing with (non)functioning technology during operation. In: Stefan Krebs, Gabriele Schabacher and Heike Weber (eds.): Kulturen des Reparierens. Things - Knowledge - Practices. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 327-345. | |
Schubert, Cornelius: Social innovation. A new instrument of social change? In: Werner Rammert, Arnold Windeler, Michael Hutter and Hubert Knoblauch (eds.): Innovation society today. Perspectives, Fields, and Cases. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 371-391. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-19269-3_17. | |
2017 | Rammert, Werner; Schubert, Cornelius: Technology. In: Robert Gugutzer, Gabriele Klein and Michael Meuser (eds.): Handbuch Körpersoziologie. Volume 2: Research fields and methods. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 349-363. |
Schubert, Cornelius: The ordering of things. On the indeterminacies and invisibilities of classification. In: Sebastian Gießmann and Nadine Taha (eds.): Grenzobjekte und Medienforschung. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 205-212. | |
Schubert, Cornelius: Innovation minus modernity? Revisiting some relations of technical and social change. In: Joseph Maran and Philipp W. Stockhammer (eds.): Appropriating Innovations. Entangled Knowledge in Eurasia, 5000-1500 BCE. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 4-11. | |
Schubert, Cornelius: Social law, social change and social realities. In: Simone Kreher and Felix Welti (eds.): Social Rights and Social Realities. Kassel: Kassel University Press, pp. 34-50. | |
Schubert, Cornelius: Disturbances and Improvisation. On techno-corporal instabilities in mechanized medicine. In: Hella Dietz, Frithjof Nungesser and Andreas Pettenkofer (eds.): Pragmatism and theories of social practices. On the usefulness of a theoretical difference. Frankfurt/M.: Campus, pp. 301-326. | |
2016 | Schubert, Cornelius: Social innovations. Loss of control and the promise of steering social change. In: Werner Rammert, Arnold Windeler, Hubert Knoblauch and Michael Hutter (eds.): Innovation Society Today. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 403-426. |
2015 | Schubert, Cornelius: Distributed design trajectories. The global manufacture of technologies and organizations. In: Attila Bruni, Laura L. Parolin and Cornelius Schubert (eds.): Designing Technology, Work, Organizations and Vice Versa. Malaga: Vernon, pp. 191-216. |
Schubert, Cornelius; Meyer, Uli: SEMATECH. Inventing collaborative innovation. In: Jörg Sydow, Elke Schüßler and Gordon Müller-Seitz (eds.): Managing Interorganizational Relations. Debates and Cases. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 264-272. | |
2014 | Schubert, Cornelius: Andrew Pickering. Science as Becoming - the Process Perspective of the Mangle of Practice. In: Diana Lengersdorf and Matthias Wieser (eds.): Key works in science and technology studies. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 171-182. |
Schubert, Cornelius: Technology, politics and society. William F. Ogburn, Lewis Mumford, Langdon Winner and Thomas P. Hughes. In: Diana Lengersdorf and Matthias Wieser (eds.): Schlüsselwerke der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 65-75. | |
Schubert, Cornelius: Future sui generis? Computer simulations as instruments of social self-perpetuation. In: Alberto Cevolini (ed.): The order of the contingent. Contributions to the numerical self-description of modern society. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 209-232. | |
2013 | Schubert, Cornelius: Orderly irritation. The professional creation of (un)-certainty. In: Hans-Georg Soeffner (ed.): Transnational Socializations. Proceedings of the 35th Congress of the German Sociological Association in Frankfurt am Main 2010. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. |
2012 | Schubert, Cornelius: Distributed sleeping and breathing. On the agency of means in medical work. In: Jan-Hendrik Passoth, Birgit Peuker and Michael Schillmeier (eds.): Agency without actors? New approaches to collective action. London: Routledge, pp. 113-129. |
Schubert, Cornelius: George H. Mead. Mind, Self and Society. In: Claus Leggewie, Darius Zifonun, Anne Lang, Marcel Siepmann and Johanna Hoppen (eds.): Schlüsselwerke der Kulturwissenschaften. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 36-38. | |
Schubert, Cornelius: Robert K. Merton. The unanticipated consequences of purposive social action. In: Claus Leggewie, Darius Zifonun, Anne Lang, Marcel Siepmann and Johanna Hoppen (eds.): Schlüsselwerke der Kulturwissenschaften. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 181-184. | |
2011 | Schubert, Cornelius: Medical body knowledge as circulating references between body and technology. In: Reiner Keller and Michael Meuser (eds.): Körperwissen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, pp. 187-206. |
Schubert, Cornelius; Vogd, Werner: The patient role in the transformation of medicine and the health system. In: John N. Weatherly, Klaus Meyer-Lutterloh and André Henke (eds.): Patientencoaching. Bonn: eRelation AG, pp. 14-20. | |
Schubert, Cornelius: Between bureaucracy and economy. Or: How to deceive the administration, treat patients and get rid of them again. In: Jutta Begenau, Cornelius Schubert and Werner Vogd (eds.): Die Arzt-Patient-Beziehung. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 143-159. | |
2010 | Begenau, Jutta; Schubert, Cornelius; Vogd, Werner (2010): The doctor-patient relationship from a sociological perspective. In: Jutta Begenau, Cornelius Schubert and Werner Vogd (eds.): The doctor-patient relationship. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 7-33. |
2009 | Schubert, Cornelius: Videographic elicitation interviews. Exploring technologies, practices and narratives in organizations. In: Ulrike T. Kissmann (ed.): Video interaction analysis. Methods and methodology. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang, pp. 199-220. |
Schubert, Cornelius; Vogd, Werner: The organization of patient treatment. From the private medical consultation to the networked treatment trajectory. In: Volker E. Amelung, Jörg Sydow and Arnold Windeler (eds.): Vernetzung im Gesundheitswesen. Competition and cooperation. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 25-49. | |
2008 | Schubert, Cornelius: (In)certainties of organized apparatus medicine. Comparative observations of anesthesia as a socio-technical practice. In: Irmhild Saake and Werner Vogd (eds.): Modern Myths of Medicine. Studies on the organized treatment of the sick. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, pp. 139-159. |
2007 | Schubert, Cornelius: Risk and safety in the operating theater. An ethnographic study of socio-technical practices. In: Regula V. Burri and Joseph Dumit (eds.): Biomedicine as culture. Instrumental practices, technoscientific knowledge, and new modes of life. London: Routledge, pp. 123-138. |
Schubert, Cornelius; Windeler, Arnold: Path creation networks from a methodological perspective. In: Hagen Hof and Ulrich Wengenroth (eds.): Innovationsforschung. Approaches, methods, limits and perspectives. Münster: Lit Verlag, pp. 117-126. | |
Windeler, Arnold; Schubert, Cornelius: Technology development and market constitution. In: Jens Beckert, Rainer Diaz-Bone and Heiner Ganßmann (eds.): Markets as Social Structures. Frankfurt/M.: Campus, pp. 217-233. | |
2006 | Rammert, Werner; Schubert, Cornelius: Technography and microsociology of technology. In: Werner Rammert and Cornelius Schubert (eds.): Technografie. On the microsociology of technology. Frankfurt/M.: Campus, pp. 11-22. |
Schubert, Cornelius: Videography in the OR. How video technology can be used for technographic studies. In: Werner Rammert and Cornelius Schubert (eds.): Technografie. On the microsociology of technology. Frankfurt/M.: Campus, pp. 223-248. | |
Schubert, Cornelius; Rammert, Werner: Uncertainty and ambiguity in the operating room. Routines and risks of distributed activities in high-tech work situations. In: Werner Rammert and Cornelius Schubert (eds.): Technografie. On the microsociology of technology. Frankfurt/M.: Campus, pp. 313-349. | |
Schubert, Cornelius: Video analysis of practice and the practice of video analysis. Selecting field and focus in videography. In: Hubert Knoblauch, Jürgen Raab, Hans-Georg Soeffner and Bernt Schnettler (eds.): Video-analysis, methodology and methods. Qualitative audiovisual data analysis in sociology. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang, pp. 115-126. | |
2002 | Cebulla, Michael; Schubert, Cornelius: Generic concepts for cognitive process modeling. In: D. Tavangarian and R. Grützner (eds.). 16th Symposium on Simulation Technology. ASIM 2002. Rostock, pp. 235-240. |
Editorials, reviews, working papers, etc.
2018 | Bosančić, Saša; Böschen, Stefan; Schubert, Cornelius: Editorial: Innovation discourses and discourse innovations. In: Saša Bosančić, Stefan Böschen and Cornelius Schubert (eds.): Discursive construction and creative destruction. Encounters between innovation research and discourse analysis. Journal for Discourse Research, 2018 (2), pp. 3-10. DOI: 10.3262/ZFDB1801003. |
Schubert, Cornelius: Carlo Caduff, Waiting for the pandemic. Ethnography of a catastrophe that never happened (review). In: Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (3), pp. 311-312. DOI: 10.1002/bewi.201801908. | |
2018 | Müller, Sophie M.; Schubert, Cornelius: Introduction: Interaction Relations. Knowledge - bodies - things - affects. In: Angelika Poferl and Michaela Pfadenhauer (eds.): Wissensrelationen. Contributions and Debates at the 2nd Section Congress on the Sociology of Knowledge. 1st edition. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, pp. 473-475. |
Schubert, Cornelius; Voss, Ehler: Beyond dyadic interactions. An introduction to the thematic issue on healing cooperations. In: Curare, 41 (1+2), pp. 11-16. | |
2017 | Schubert, Cornelius: Individual discussion creativity. Silvana K. Figueroa-Dreher, Improvising. Material, interaction, attitude and music from a sociological perspective. In: Sociological Review, 40 (4), pp. 603-607. |
Rammert, Werner; Schubert, Cornelius (2017): Technical and human embodiments of the social. Technical University, Institute for Sociology. Berlin (Technology Studies Working Papers, TUTS-WP-4-2017). Available online at | |
2016 | Schubert, Cornelius: Disruptions and Improvisation. On socio-material instabilities in the practice of technologized medicine. Technical University, Institute for Sociology. Berlin (Technology Studies Working Papers, TUTS-WP-3-2016). Available online atörungen_Improvisationen.pdf. |
Schubert, Cornelius; Sørensen, Estrid: Encounters, Lone Travelers or Productive Differences. Media Studies and STS in Germany. In: Tecnoscienza, 7 (1), pp. 110-114. | |
2015 | Böschen, Stefan; Gläser, Jochen; Meister, Martin; Schubert, Cornelius: Editorial. Material agency as a challenge to empirical research. In: Nature and Culture, 10 (3), pp. 257-268. |
Bruni, Attila; Parolin, Laura L.; Schubert, Cornelius: Introduction. Designing technology, work, organization and vice versa. In: Attila Bruni, Laura L. Parolin and Cornelius Schubert (eds.): Designing Technology, Work, Organizations and Vice Versa. Malaga: Vernon, pp. 1-17. | |
2015 | Rammert, Werner; Schubert, Cornelius: Body and Technology. On the double embodiment of the social. Technical University, Institute for Sociology. Berlin (Technology Studies Working Papers, TUTS-WP-1-2015). Available online at |
2014 | Schubert, Cornelius: Objects of daily use and technical artifacts. In: Nina Baur and Jörg Blasius (eds.): Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, pp. 899-906. |
Schubert, Cornelius: Sociotechnology. In: Günter Endruweit, Gisela Trommsdorff and Nicole Burzan (eds.): Wörterbuch der Soziologie. Constance: UVK, pp. 497-498. | |
Schubert, Cornelius: Sociology of technology. In: Günter Endruweit, Gisela Trommsdorff and Nicole Burzan (eds.): Wörterbuch der Soziologie. Constance: UVK, pp. 539-543. | |
Schubert, Cornelius: Social Innovations. Highly reflexive and multi-referential phenomena of today's innovation society? A report on analytical concepts and a social science initiative. Technical University, Institute for Sociology. Berlin (Technology Studies Working Papers, TUTS-WP-2-2014). Available online at | |
2013 | Stegmaier, Peter; Schubert, Cornelius: Introduction to the ad hoc group. Improvisation and professionalism. In: Hans-Georg Soeffner (ed.): Transnational Socializations. Proceedings of the 35th Congress of the German Sociological Association in Frankfurt am Main 2010. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. |
2011 | Burri, Regula V.; Schubert, Cornelius; Strübing, Jörg: Introduction. The Five Senses of Science. Making Sense of Senses. In: Science, Technology & Innovation Studies, 7 (1), pp. 3-7. |
Schubert, Cornelius: In the middle of things. Germany's ongoing engagement with STS. In: Tecnoscienza, 2 (2), pp. 103-113. | |
2010 | Knoblauch, Hubert; Schubert, Cornelius: Master's program "Sociology of Technological Science" at the Technical University of Berlin. In: Sociology, 39 (2), pp. 186-189. |
Schubert, Cornelius: Everything all right with technology? In: Sociological Review, 33 (4), pp. 497-502. | |
Schubert, Cornelius: Man and machine. On the sociology of technical civilization( | |
2009 | Schubert, Cornelius: Medical body knowledge as circulating references between body and technology. Technical University, Institute for Sociology. Berlin (Technology Studies Working Papers, TUTS-WP_2-2009). Available online at |
2009 | Schubert, Cornelius: Radically new. A sociological view of innovation( |
Schubert, Cornelius: Sociology of technology for teaching. In: Technology Assessment - Theory and Practice, 18 (3), pp. 82-85. | |
2008 | Schubert, Cornelius: Review of the field of medical sociology. In: Sociological Review, 31 (2), pp. 209-219. |
2007 | Schubert, Cornelius: Technology Roadmaps in the Semiconductor Industry. The here and now of technological futures using the example of the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors. Technical University, Institute for Sociology. Berlin (Technology Studies Working Papers, TUTS-WP-2-2007). Available online at |
Schubert, Cornelius: Sociology in search of the "nature of society" - and of itself. In: Social World, 58 (1), pp. 107-114. | |
2005 | Meyer, Uli; Schubert, Cornelius: The constitution of technological paths. Reflections beyond the dichotomy of path dependence and path creation. Technical University, Institute for Sociology. Berlin (Technology Studies Working Papers, TUTS-WP-6-2005). Available online at |
2003 | Schubert, Cornelius: Socio-technical routines in security management. In: Wolfgang Friesdorf and Matthias Göbel (eds.): OP und Intensiv mit Sicherheit effizient. Documentation of the fifth ergonomics symposium. Berlin: Chair of Ergonomics and Product Ergonomics, pp. 55-62. |
Schubert, Cornelius: Patient safety and the practice of anaesthesia. How hybrid networks of cooperation live and breathe. Technical University, Institute for Sociology. Berlin (Technology Studies Working Papers, TUTS-WP-10-2003). Available online at | |
2002 | Schubert, Cornelius: Making interaction and interactivity visible. On the practical and analytical uses of audiovisual recordings in high-tech and high-risk work situations. Technical University, Institute for Sociology. Berlin (Technology Studies Working Papers, TUTS-WP-5-2002). Available online at |
2000 | Janning, Frank; Scheuermann, Klaus; Schubert, Cornelius (2000): Multiagent systems in hospitals. Socionic design of hybrid contexts. Technical University, Institute for Sociology. Berlin (Technology Studies Working Papers, TUTS-WP-10-2000). Available online at |
Dr. Cornelius Schubert
Professor of Sociology of Science and Technology TU Dortmund University | Faculty of Social Sciences
Emil-Figge-Str. 50 44227 Dortmund
Room: 2.445 Phone: +49 231 755-4447 E-Mail: cornelius.schuberttu-dortmundde
Consultation hours during the lecture period (EF-50, room 2.445): Wednesday 09:00 - 10:00
Consultation hours during the lecture-free period (EF-50, room 2.445): by appointment
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